Haas Energy & Cleantech Panel & Firm Night

On February 22nd, we held another edition of the Haas Energy & Cleantech Panel & Firm Night, of which I was one of the organizers. The event, which took place in the Chevron Auditorium at the International House, is completely student-run, and traditionally serves as the unofficial kick-off of the recruiting season in the Energy and Cleantech fields.

This year, the panel featured speakers from Mohr Davidow Ventures, SunRun, Bloom Energy and Opower. The panel was followed by a more traditional career fair, in which more than 20 companies (Chevron, Brightsource, Dow Chemical, Adura Technologies, GE Energy, Siemens, PG&E, Simbol Materials, Cogenra, Sunpower… on top of those participating on the panel as well) had the chance to meet with the 100+ Haas students that had signed up.

This great turnout, both from companies and students, clearly shows the strength of the Energy & Cleantech space in Berkeley, and the healthy prospects of the upcoming summer internship recruiting.

A Source Inspiration

Here is a picture of the view from my apartment on the University Village. Such a beautiful sunset in the Bay!! I was so lucky to have this source of inspiration while working on the essay of my application for the IBD Program.

I am really looking forward to working on IBD Program during the first weeks of the summer. It will certainly be very good to put in practice the business tools learned in class. What makes it even more exciting is the fact that it will be also a good opportunity to visit a new country, experience a new culture, work together with my classmates and especially, be able to make social impact. Several projects at many different countries are on offer, but what I really want is to help an organization that brings development to Africa.

Now I have to get back to work because dead-line is close!

—Ricardo de Paula

workin’ it

I really can’t believe that I’m already four weeks into my internship. Here’s a glimpse of what life has been like so far…

Week 1: Education Pioneers Retreat
This summer I am Education Pioneers fellow. What does that mean? Well, Education Pioneers is an organization that recruits top talent from graduate schools (Business, Policy, Education, Law, etc.) and places them in 10-week internships in the public education sector. In addition to my summer internship, I get to come together with the 40+ other Fellows in the area 7 times over the course of the summer to learn more about issues in education and share our experiences.
This is Team Awesome (my teammate and good friend Roxann is taking the picture), standing next to our tower of awesomeness. The first exercise on the very first day consisted of breaking up into teams and trying to build the “tallest free-standing tower” out of the materials we were given. It turns out that not every team was given the same materials, which had a huge effect on their ability to build a tall/free-standing tower. My team built the biggest tower, but what amazed me was that as the most well-resourced group, we never thought to even look at what other groups had to work with and definitely didn’t event consider sharing or bartering our materials. What an interesting analogy for public education… This was the first of many things-that-make-you-go-hmmmm this summer.

Week 2: Stuck in the lobby
My placement for the summer is at the California Charter Schools Association. For the first week of my internship, my boss and much of the SF staff were out of town, so I didn’t have to go into the office until my second week. Sometimes it’s funny what logistical things people take for granted, until the new chick gets stuck. This photo is from a Wednesday morning when I was stuck in the lobby for a while.
I kept trying to push the button in the elevator for the 8th floor, but it just wasn’t having it. If you look closely at the picture above, you’ll notice that the elevator was not turned on for the 8th floor. About half an hour later, one of my co-workers came in and showed me how to get the key and unlock the elevator if I’m the first one in the office (this was at 9:30am). Later that day, I was the last one to leave the office, at 4:45pm.

Week 3: Staring out windows
I had forgotten what staring at a computer (or the wall of your cube) all day can do to your eyes. I’ve learned my lesson and am trying to take more eye breaks and stare out the window.
At my last couple of jobs, the windows always opened out to a beautiful view of the bay or surrounding area. This is the first time that the window provides a view of, well, other windows. I wonder what’s going on in some of these other office spaces, like the ones with the orange or teal/green walls.

Week 4: Chugging along
This picture isn’t all that exciting. I’ve been getting a lot of work done lately, so this is what life has been like the past week.

Really I’m posting this because I’d been killing time until Nightlife at the California Academy of Sciences. Now it’s time to go, so I guess I’ll see you back here when I have another pocket of time to fill. Cheers!



At the end of a fairly prescribed first semester, we were let loose to bid for electives this Spring. How did everything shake out? Among the second years the most coveted courses seemed to be “Power and Politics” and “Pricing.” Among first years, “Brand Management” and ” Energy and Environmental Markets” seemed to be the buzz.

For me? International Business Development (I’m going to Chile!), Social Sector Solutions, and Strategic Management of Healthcare are keeping me on my toes with group projects.

And of course, there’s my role as MBAA VP of Clubs and co-chair of Marketing for the Global Social Venture Competition (if you’re in the Bay Area the weekend of April 25, you should definitely check out the Global Finals and Symposium!)

Now that I’ve thrown out a laundry list of all the academic busy-ness (exciting, educational, but not super-enthralling to read about, I imagine), let me leave you with the latest fad in b-school socializing. Yee-haw :-)

mechanical bull skills!

belting it to Journey
Anyhow, gotta finish some Ethics readings before bedtime… an early morning breakfast with my friends in Oakland (House of Chicken and Waffles… yeah, we’ve been on a Southern kick), then an internship interview!
’til next time,


Back in Berkeley

After more than 3 months on the road for IBD and my summer internship, I came back to the Bay Area yesterday.

First day highlights: The Strawberry Canyon pool (again), Noodle Theory on College Avenue, and of course meeting my friends and coming back home.

I haven’t finalized my class schedule for the next semester yet, but I was mostly successful bidding for classes and I am really looking forward to my Negotiations and Marketing Research classes.


Waiting to board

Today was the last day of my summer internship. I’m sitting at gate 7 in a JFK airport terminal. My flight is delayed. I am hungry. But I have too many things (two backpacks, one guitar, and an enormous umbrella) with me to justify getting up and going to McDonald’s. So I opened the bag of Stew Leonard’s BBQ potato chips that I had bought for my husband as a surprise gift from the east coast, and began eating them. (Marcus, I will be sure to leave you some.)

I can’t wait to be back in Berkeley and seeing all my classmates again. In our Class of 2009 Google Group, there was chatter about a 100 push up challenge earlier this month. Some of us thought it would be cool to do 100 push ups in one sitting. Discussions evolved into challenging the first-years and making it into a charity fundraiser event.

I am embarrassed to admit that I quit the push up training program after 5 days. It was way harder than I thought it would be. Hopefully there are enough second-years who stuck with the program. I don’t want to lose to the first-years!

Okay, now I’m thirsty. McDonald’s vanilla milkshake, here I come.

—Helen Ip